Essence of Videography,

Where the minds meets the heart. It captures once in a lifetime moments. Timeless to look back on in generations to come.

Things we care

Get in touch in a deeper human connection through film and photography. Making sure every moment is captured with emotions. Keeping it candid and real.

By Choosing Mindfulproduction, you get

  1. Same Day Edits (4-6mins) Dinner/Lunch Delivery
  2. Extended Moments for Safekeeping Video (20-40mins)
  3. Banquet Highlights Moments (4-8mins)
  4. Banquet Thank you Speech Video (Speech duration depends on the couple)

With over 13 years of experience in the industry

On top of that,

A complimentary 2 hours couple shoot and a save the date video(30secs – 1 min) in the package.

Some of our testimonial,

What’s more

Price Lists


1) 10 hours AD video with express highlights for banquet at SGD2088.

2) 8 hours AD video with express highlights for banquet at SGD1888.

3) 6hours AD video with express highlights for banquet at SGD1688.

For every engagement of our services, we will be giving a complimentary of a casual pre wedding couple shoot of 2 hours (worth sgd588) and a 1 hour filming of save-the-date video (Video length around 1min) (to be done before AD) – Complimentary services applicable to 10hours package only

We will be giving you a discount of $100 (Only Valid if you sign up within the first week of enquiry).