Posts tagged with: photoshoot

Changi Airport Jewel Pre Wedding

Changi Airport Jewel is one of the most famous location for wedding couple to visit. One of the best reason for wedding couples to take their pre wedding shoot here is because it’s an indoor location. Wedding Couples are able to enjoy the air conditioning and the beautiful scenery too....

Wedding Home Photo Shoot

Having a pre wedding shoot at the comfort of our home is definitely a cozy and unique experience. Wedding couples are able to showcase their lovely new home and express themselves naturally. ...

5 Most Unforgettable Moments in the Wedding Day

Ever wondered which moments in our Wedding Day is the most important? Are we able to prepare ourselves for the big day ahead? Let’s take a quick look at the 5 most unforgettable moments that probably you might not even noticed!  The moment that the groom unveil the bride Most...